| 要旨トップ | 目次 | 日本生態学会第59回全国大会 (2012年3月,大津) 講演要旨
ESJ59/EAFES5 Abstract

一般講演(ポスター発表) P3-298A (Poster presentation)

Seasonal variations of soil respiration in a cool-temperate broad-leaved deciduous forest, Korea

*Joo, S.J., Park, M.-S., Park, S.-U. (CAEM), Kim, G.S., Lee C.S. (Seoul Women’s Univ.)

The purpose of this study is to estimate the seasonal and annual variations in soil respiration at a cool-temperate broad-leaved deciduous (Quercus mongolica) forest in the Nam-San Ecological Experimental site in Seoul. The automatic opening/closing chamber system (AOCCs), based on a closed dynamic method was employed for continuously monitoring of soil respiration at multiple points. The soil respiration varied markedly during the year with mild rates in spring and autumn, high rates in summer, low rates in winter with the lowest temperatures. However, the highest respiration rates were observed with the increase of soil moisture during the growing season immediately after rainfall events. Soil respiration was highly correlated with temperature during winter and during spring and autumn whenever volumetric soil moisture content was above 21%. All components of soil respiration followed a similar seasonal trend and were affected by summer drought. The relationship proposed for soil respiration with soil temperature and soil moisture is useful for understanding and predicting potential changes in a cool-temperate oak forest ecosystem in response to forest management and climate change. The annual total soil respiration was 1264 g C m-2. The present study will be implemented in determining ecosystem carbon balance in a cool-temperate forest.
