| 要旨トップ | 目次 | 日本生態学会第62回全国大会 (2015年3月、鹿児島) 講演要旨
ESJ62 Abstract

一般講演(口頭発表) H1-14 (Oral presentation)

Controls over soil organic matter storage and turnover in permafrost ecosystems

*Fujii, K., Matsuura, Y. (FFPRI), Osawa, A. (Kyoto Univ.)

We analyzed factors regulating soil organic carbon (SOC) storage across different ecosystem types in NWT, Canada; white spruce forest (WSF) on upland soil, black spruce forest (BSF) and tundra (TND) in lower position. Field incubation of cellulose filter paper and root litter showed that water flooding and cold climate retarded decomposition of organic matter in BSF and TND. The warmer and aeration condition in sandy upland soil of WSF enhanced organic matter decomposition. The SOC storage in BSF and TND soils were significantly greater than in WSF soil. The low temperature and water saturation in lowland can increase SOC storage in permafrost soils.
