| 要旨トップ | 目次 | 日本生態学会第62回全国大会 (2015年3月、鹿児島) 講演要旨
ESJ62 Abstract

一般講演(ポスター発表) PB2-034 (Poster presentation)

Biological communities subject to imperfect detection: behavior of multi-species abundance models using N-mixture in small-sample situations

*山浦悠一(森林総研・植生),Marc Kéry(スイス鳥類研究所),J. Andrew Royle(アメリカ地質研究所)

Multispecies abundance models (MSAMs) are a framework for modeling biological communities subject to imperfect detection, and community assembly is embodied by an ensemble of species-level Poisson processes. Using a binomial N-mixture model for the detection process, we can construct MSAMs based on repeated counts of every species in a community. MSAMs can provide an abundance-based species richness estimator via data augmentation. To assess the performance of MSAMs, we conducted simulation experiments to examine the effects of mean abundance and detection probability and of the number of sampling sites and visits on the bias and precision of species-level parameters and of community-level species richness. Results showed that bias and imprecision of estimates decreased when all four variables increased. Mean detection probability was the most important for intercepts, while mean abundance was most influential for slopes and species richness. For all parameters, the number of sites was more important than the number of visits.
