| 要旨トップ | 本企画の概要 | | 日本生態学会第63回全国大会 (2016年3月、仙台) 講演要旨 ESJ63 Abstract |
シンポジウム S01-2 (Lecture in Symposium/Workshop)
In this presentation I will explore the extent to which phosphorus influences the productivity, diversity, and distribution of plant species in tropical forests. I will highlight the range of soils that occur in tropical forests and will argue that pedogenesis and associated phosphorus depletion is a primary driver of forest diversity over long timescales. I will draw on data from a regional-scale network of forest dynamics plots in Panama to show that tree species distributions are determined predominantly as a function of dry season intensity and soil phosphorus availability, and will suggest potential mechanistic explanations for this pattern in relation to phosphorus acquisition. Finally, I will present evidence from a long-term field experiment in Panama that demonstrates how multiple nutrients, including phosphorus, nitrogen, and potassium, limit plant productivity and microbial communities on strongly-weathered soils in the lowland tropics.