| 要旨トップ | 目次 | 日本生態学会第65回全国大会 (2018年3月、札幌) 講演要旨
ESJ65 Abstract

一般講演(ポスター発表) P3-076  (Poster presentation)

Influence of strong wind on the relationship between seed-cone production and height growth in Abies sachalinensis

*Seki, Takeshi(FFPRI, Hokkaido)

A temporal strong wind is one component that damages the vascular systems of tree stems. In an area where a strong wind has blown, height growth by tree-stem elongation might be depressed due to a decrease in the water supplied to the elongating shoots. In Abies sachalinensis canopy trees, since seed cones grow in size and require water supply during the period of shoot elongation, height growth after a wind storm might be further depressed in years of seed-cone production. The relationship between seed-cone production and height growth was investigated for A. sachalinensis canopy trees in a cold temperate forest where strong winds (Typhoon Songda and a wind storm on November 27) were recorded in 2004. According to analyses using linear mixed models, both a depression in height growth and a negative effect of seed-cone production on height growth were detected during the period after the wind storms. On the other hand, according to analyses of each canopy tree, height growth is suggested to be sensitive to wind, even in trees with no damage to the canopy surface, but not substantially sensitive to seed-cone production, as compared to the wind.
