| 要旨トップ | 目次 | 日本生態学会第66回全国大会 (2019年3月、神戸) 講演要旨
ESJ66 Abstract

一般講演(ポスター発表) P1-431  (Poster presentation)

The Contributions of Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC) Input to the Soil of Lucidophyllous Forest in Central Japan

*Siyu CHEN, Ruoming Cao, Shinpei Yoshitake, Toshiyuki Ohtsuka(Gifu University)

Studies on the fate and transport of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) along the rainfall-to-discharge flow pathway typically begin in streams or soils, neglecting the initial enrichment of rainfall with DOC during contact with forest canopy. Throughfall and stemflow are two hydrological flow paths bring tree-derived DOC to the forest floor. We examined the variations of DOC concentration in throughfall, stemflow, and litter leachate in a Lucidophyllous Forest in Central Japan, and quantified the annual contribution of DOC from different forest water flux conditions to the DOC input to the soil, aims to figure out the seasonal change patterns of DOC. All forest water fluxes were highly enriched in DOC compared to rainfall. DOC concentrations of stemflow, throughfall and litter leachate were highest in May. DOC concentrations in stemflow and litter leachate were positively related to DOC in throughfall, while throughfall DOC concentration positively responded to the canopy changes (litterfall and flower), indicating that canopy change is the main control of DOC concentrations in throughfall, stemflow, and litter leachate. Annual DOC fluxes input to the soil was 309.5 kg–1 ha–1 yr–1, which was 10.8% via precipitation, 13.6% via throughfall, 2.1% via stemflow and 73.5% via litter leachate.
