| 要旨トップ | 目次 | 日本生態学会第67回全国大会 (2020年3月、名古屋) 講演要旨
ESJ67 Abstract

一般講演(口頭発表) I01-13  (Oral presentation)

日本の森林でのナトリウム利用可能性と植食動物の生理的反応 【B】
Sodium availability in Japanese forests and physiological response by herbivorous animals 【B】

*半谷吾郎(京都大学), 太田民久(富山大学), 揚妻直樹(北海道大学), 大井徹(石川県立大学), 木下こづえ(京都大学), 加藤正吾(岐阜大学), 北村俊平(石川県立大学), 揚妻芳美(Waku Doki 工房), 近藤崇(石川県), 本田剛章(京都大学), 田伏良幸(京都大学), 鈴村崇文(京都大学), HETianmeng(京都大学), 高橋美香(Juniata College), LEENDERSCliff(HAS University), 澤田晶子(中部大学)
*Goro HANYA(Kyoto University), Tamihisa OTA(Toyama University), Naoki AGETSUMA(Hokkaido University), Toru OI(Ishikawa Pref University), Kodzue KINOSHITA(Kyoto University), Shogo KATO(Gifu University), Shumpei KITAMURA(Ishikawa Pref University), Yoshimi AGETSUMA(Waku Doki Science Kobo), Takashi KONDO(Ishikawa Prefecture), Takeaki HONDA(Kyoto University), Yoshiyuki TABUSE(Kyoto University), Takafumi SUZUMURA(Kyoto University), Tianmeng HE(Kyoto University), Mika TAKAHASHI(Juniata College), Cliff LEENDERS(HAS University), Akiko SAWADA(Chubu University)

Sodium is indispensable for animals but not so for plants, so its acquisition is an important limitation for the survival of herbivorous animals. In this study, we aim to clarify the patterns of sodium availability with respect to the distance from the sea, main source for sodium in terrestrial ecosystems, and also the physiological response by Japanese macaques. We collected 150 live and dead leaf samples every ten meters along a transect in a lowland and highland forest of Yakushima, Kagoshima Prefecture, and Hakusan, Ishikawa Prefecture. The distances from the sea are 0-800 m, 5.0-5.9 km and ca 20 km, respectively. The sodium concentration was significantly higher in the lowland Yakushima than in the highland Yakushima and Hakusan. We examined concentration of aldosterone, a hormone enhancing re-absorbance of sodium in the kidney, in feces of wild Japanese macaques. In addition to the above three sites, we collected fresh fecal samples of Japanese macaques in Koshima, a small islet in Miyazaki Prefecture, where the wild Japanese macaques are provisioned on a beach. Aldosterone concentration was significantly lower in Koshima than the other three populations, indicating habitual contact with sea water alters the physiological sodium dynamics.
