| 要旨トップ | 目次 | 日本生態学会第67回全国大会 (2020年3月、名古屋) 講演要旨
ESJ67 Abstract

一般講演(ポスター発表) P1-PC-325  (Poster presentation)

一年草・多年草・樹木間でDNA修復能力に違いがあるか?:DNA修復遺伝子コピー数比較 【B】
Is there a difference in DNA repair ability among annuals, perennials and trees?: Comparative analyses of copy number of DNA repair genes 【B】

*Yuta AOYAGI(Systems Life Sci.,Kyushu Univ.), Junko KUSUMI(SCS, Kyushu Univ.), Akiko SATAKE(Science, Kyushu Univ.)

Although trees, which generally have long lifespan, are exposed to many risks of occurring mutations due to DNA damages, they can live long time. We focused on the DNA repair as a mechanism to suppress the occurrence of mutations, and examined whether trees have high DNA repair ability. We compared copy number of DNA repair genes within 144 gene families across 55 plant species with different life forms using PLAZA database. We also analyzed seasonal expression patterns of 129 DNA repair genes among three Fagaceae species.
As a result of clustering based on the copy number of genes, there were two different clusters of high and low copy numbers. Tree species were contained in the cluster with high copy number, but not in the cluster with low copy number. Moreover, trees had higher copy number of repair genes of DNA double strand breaks and DNA damages due to oxidation than perennial and annual herbs. The expression of a repair gene of DNA double strand breaks was high in summer.  
Our results suggest that trees would have a high DNA repair ability, especially against DNA double strand break and DNA damages due to oxidation.
