| 要旨トップ | 目次 | 日本生態学会第67回全国大会 (2020年3月、名古屋) 講演要旨
ESJ67 Abstract

一般講演(ポスター発表) P1-PD-444  (Poster presentation)

葉緑体DNAを用いた雑種タンポポの起源地の推定 【B】
Estimating the origins of hybrid dandelions using chloroplast DNA 【B】

*城垣徹, 特務恩, 名波哲, 伊東明(大阪市立大学)
*Toru JOGAKI, Nueng TE, Satoshi NANAMI, Akira ITOH(Osaka City Univ.)

Hybrid dandelions between introduced and native dandelions have been spreading in Japan. There are multiple lineages of hybrids, but their origins and expansion processes are unknown. We expect the geographical origins of hybrids to be detected by comparing cpDNA sequences between hybrids and natives because cpDNA of hybrids are always derived from natives. In this study, we collected native and hybrid samples over the distribution area of native species and compared their cpDNA sequences. There were two major haplotypes shared between natives and some triploid hybrids. Their distributions were divided into western and central-eastern Japan both for natives and hybrids, indicating that these hybrids did not expand their distribution outside of the original areas at this spatial scale. However, we could not specify the origins of other hybrids because some triploid hybrids shared a haplotype spreading over the sample area in natives and because the haplotype of most tetraploid hybrids was not found from natives. We, therefore, tried the 'GRAS-Di' method, which collected genome-wide variations with a NGS as a finer resolution genetic marker. The GRAS-Di solved finer scale geographic variation in native species suggesting a possibility to be used as a marker for detecting hybrid origin.
