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日本生態学会第67回全国大会 (2020年3月、名古屋) 一般講演 口頭発表 一覧

H02 Plant community・Material cycling (3月6日 13:00- Room H)

【B】バイリンガル発表:発表媒体が英語もしくは日英併記予定の発表 /
Bilingual presentation: Presentation slides or poster will be prepared in English or Japanese with English subtitles

Bryophyte cover and richness decline after 18 years of experimental warming in Alpine Sweden *Juha ALATALO(Qatar University), Annika JäGERBRAND(Jönköping University), Shengbin CHEN(Chengdu University of Techn), Shou-Qin SUN(Chinese Academy of Science), Ulf MOLAU(University of Gothenburg)

Vegetation dynamic of 1 ha permanent plot in Gunung Halimun Salak National Park *Dian ROSLEINE(Institut Teknologi Bandung), Riris Sriastuty PANGGABEAN(Institut Teknologi Bandung), Eizi SUZUKI(Kagoshima University), Elham SUMARGA(Institut Teknologi Bandung)

Ontogenetic variations in functional diversity of a woody species assemblage in a Japanese temperate forest *Hiroko KUROKAWA(FFPRI), Yoshiko IIDA(FFPRI), Shoji NAOE(FFPRI), Michio OGURO(FFPRI), Tohru NAKASHIZUKA(RIHN)

Responses of taxonomic and functional composition of herbaceous plant communities to rainfall changes *Tomoki TAKATORI(Yokohama National Univ.), Kei-ichi OKADA(Yokohama National Univ.), Shuntaro KONDO(Yokohama National Univ.), Makoto KOBAYASHI(Hokkaido Univ.), Takehiro SASAKI(Yokohama National Univ.), Masaki UCHIDA(NIPR, SOKENDAI), Akira S MORI(Yokohama National Univ.)

Reveal the mechanism of co-existence and local adaptation in plant communities from the perspective of plant soil feedback *Piao XUE(University of Tokyo)

火山灰土壌におけるコナラ根圏土壌の理化学性から評価した樹木の難溶性リンの獲得戦略 *向井真那(京都大学農学研究科), 高木真由(京都大学農学部), 北山兼弘(京都大学農学研究科)
Tree strategies for acquisition of recalcitrant P in soils on volcanic soils: forcusing on chemical properties of the rhizosphere of Quercus Serrata *Mana MUKAI(Kyoto University), Mayu TAKAGI(Kyoto Univ.), Kanehiro KITAYAMA(Kyoto University)

Nitrogen and Phosphorus dynamics in early successional species leaves and soil on 2000 eruption devastated lands in Miyake-jima *Naoki MATSUDA(Tsukuba Univ.)

サブサハラアフリカにおける耕作が土壌微生物の窒素循環関連機能に及ぼす影響 *大東孝充, 内田義崇(北海道大学)
Effects of cultivation on nitrogen cycle-related function of soil microbes in sub-Saharan Africa *Takamitsu OHIGASHI, Yoshitaka UCHIDA(Hokaido University)

Soil fungal community differences between four Japanese cool-temperate forest tree species *Felix SEIDEL(Yamagata University), Carles CASTAñO(Swedish Uni. of Agr. Sciences), Josu G. ALDAY(Lleida University, Spain), M Larry LOPEZ C.(Yamagata University), José Antonio BONET(Lleida University, Spain)

Soil fauna effects on early stage litter decomposition in Moso bamboo stands: a comparison among organs *Marly ORREGO MORALES(Kyushu Univ.), Ayumi KATAYAMA(Kyushu Univ.), Motohiro HASEGAWA(Doshisha Univ.), Tsutomu ENOKI(Kyushu Univ.)

Plant "afterlife" effects on soil systems: temporal litter trait variability related to litter water-holding capacity *Saori FUJII(FFPRI), Matty P. BERG(VU Amsterdam), Richard S. P. VAN LOGTESTIJN(VU Amsterdam), Johannes H. C. CORNELISSEN(VU Amsterdam)
