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日本生態学会第67回全国大会 (2020年3月、名古屋) 一般講演 口頭発表 一覧

K01 Biodiversity・Fungi and microbes (3月5日 13:00- Room K)

【B】バイリンガル発表:発表媒体が英語もしくは日英併記予定の発表 /
Bilingual presentation: Presentation slides or poster will be prepared in English or Japanese with English subtitles

Hydrothermal Vent Metacommunity Networks of the North-West Pacific *Otis Davey BRUNNER, Yuka SUZUKI, Satoshi MITARAI, Evan ECONOMO(OIST)

Species richness of aquatic microfauna in inland floodplain wetlands: relationships with longitude, latitude and elevation *Tsuyoshi KOBAYASHI(NSW DPIE), Jan MILLER(Cumberland F&F Inter. Ser.), Simon HUNTER(NSW DPIE), Timothy RALPH(Macquarie Univ.), Russell SHIEL(Univ. Adelaide), Hendrik SEGERS(Royal Belgian Inst. Nat. Sci.)

Competition between small and large algae under predation and parasitism conditions *Minoru KASADA(Tohoku Univ.), Patch THONGTHAISONG(IGB-Berlin), Sabine WOLLRAB(IGB-Berlin), Hans-Peter GROSSART(IGB-Berlin)

Effects of digestate on growth of potato, and its rhizosphere microbial community *Maiko AKARI, Yoshitaka UCHIDA(Hokkaido University)

トウモロコシとマメ科植物の混作による土壌微生物と窒素循環への影響 *Akari KIMURA, Yoshitaka UCHIDA(Hokkaido University)
The effect of mixed cropping system on soil nitrogen dynamics and microbial community. *Akari KIMURA, Yoshitaka UCHIDA(Hokkaido University)

Fermentation ability of Japanese macaques' gut microbiome fluctuates seasonally with diet *Wanyi LEE(PRI, Kyoto Univ.), Tianmeng HE(PRI, Kyoto Univ.), Yosuke KURIHARA(Shizuoka Univ.), Goro HANYA(PRI, Kyoto Univ.)

微生物群集への形質アプローチ:環境微生物の形質を比較メタゲノムから探る *Kazumori MISE, Wataru IWASAKI(The University of Tokyo)
Trait-based approach to microbial communities: inferring microbial traits by comparative metagenomics *Kazumori MISE, Wataru IWASAKI(The University of Tokyo)

Comparing biodiversity indicators from field and remote sensing observations on Mount Usu *Vegh LEA, Shiro TSUYUZAKI(Hokkaido University)

Evolution of hyper-diversity in the ant genus Tetramorium and the role of anti-predator defense adaptations *Francisco HITA GARCIA(沖縄科学技術大学院大学 (OIST))
