| 要旨トップ | 目次 | 日本生態学会第68回全国大会 (2021年3月、岡山) 講演要旨
ESJ68 Abstract

一般講演(口頭発表) F03-04  (Oral presentation)

Sprouts Survival Strategy of Robinia pseudoacacia After Cutting: an Approach to Carbon and Water Use【EPAA】

*Citra Gilang QURANI(UGAS Iwate Univ., Yamagata Univ.), Kenichi YOSHIMURA(UGAS Iwate Univ., Yamagata Univ.), Shunichi KIKUCHI(Yamagata Univ.)

Remain organs are the only source of stored carbohydrates for woody species to resprout following aboveground perturbations. Little is known about how remain organs support resprouting, in relation with non-structural carbohydrates (NSCs) and organ potential use on carbon stock, after aboveground perturbations in resprouter species, Robinia pseudoacacia L.. We studied sprouts growth in remain organs, NSCs content, and how were new sprouts contribute to restocking the carbon reserves for biomass-loss recovery. The aboveground perturbations subjected to diameter-breast-height cut (long-stump, LS) and basal cut (short-stump, SS). The data collections were conducted over two current-year- (summer and autumn) and one-year seasons (summer and spring). The sprouts length and volume of LS and SS in current-year was not significantly affected by the size of remain organs, but significantly affect the one-year sprouts growth of SS. Low starch content in current-year stump and roots were believed to be the source of sprouting even though it does not affect the organ potential on using the reserved carbon. The continued biomass-loss recovery over one year after treatments, which assigned by low starch content, high soluble sugar, and high respiration rates in remain organs, are believed to be contributed by both remain- and new sprouted organs.
