| 要旨トップ | 目次 | 日本生態学会第68回全国大会 (2021年3月、岡山) 講演要旨
ESJ68 Abstract

一般講演(口頭発表) H02-05  (Oral presentation)

Use of environmental DNA metabarcoding for seasonal riverine fish assemblage patterns along invasive macrophyte overgrowth

*Seiji MIYAZONO, Takao KODAMA, Yoshihisa AKAMATSU, Ryohei NAKAO, Satsuki TSUJI(Yamaguchi University)

Invasive macrophyte can significantly influence riverine fishes by changing the biotic and abiotic environment. It is important to understand differences in responses of fishes to invasive macrophyte in order to predict the effects of invasive macrophyte overgrowth on fish assemblage structure in riverine systems. This study examined the relationships between the coverage area of invasive macrophyte, Egeria densa, and fish assemblage compositions in the Gonokawa River in Japan on September and November in 2020 using quantitative environmental DNA metabarcoding. Our results indicate that the species-habitat relationships varied among the fishes and between the seasons in the study sites. Four fishes that tend to use aquatic vegetations as their habitats (e.g., Coreoperca kawamebari) were significantly and positively associated with the upstream coverage area of E. densa in the study sites. In contrast, fishes that prefer sand and gravel substrates (e.g., Pseudogobio esocinus) had significant negative correlations with the coverage area of E. densa. Further, the correlations between these fishes and the upstream coverage area in November (abundance peak of E. densa) were higher than those in September. These results suggest that the overgrowth of the invasive macrophyte would greatly change the fish assemblage compositions in the riverine system.
