| 要旨トップ | 目次 | 日本生態学会第68回全国大会 (2021年3月、岡山) 講演要旨
ESJ68 Abstract

一般講演(ポスター発表) P1-019  (Poster presentation)

How Bat are They? - Perceptions of Local Farmers on Bats and Pesticide Use

*Azmina KAMAL(Kyoto Univ), Christian Ernest VINCENOT(Kyoto Univ), Nobuhito OHTE(Kyoto Univ), Tigga KINGSTON(Texas Tech Univ)

The use of agrochemical has been perceived to be one of the major causes of declining bat populations. Because the usage of agrochemicals is prohibited on organic farms, we hypothesise that bat activity is much higher at organic farms compared to their inorganic counterparts. Thus we present the findings of our preliminary study at several organic farms in Japan. A total of 8 passive acoustic recording devices were deployed at 7 different plots of organic farms located in Kochi and Wazuka. 4 acoustic recording devices were deployed at 1 plot of organic rice and 3 plots of vegetable plantation in Kochi for a total of 18 consecutive nights. In Wazuka, 4 acoustic recording devices were also deployed at 4 different plots of organic tea plantations for a total of 28 consecutive nights. The recordings were analysed using Kaleidoscope 5.3.1. Bat activity was quantified as passes per hour, and bat foraging activity was measured as the frequency of feeding buzz per hour. Our preliminary findings found that bat activities were higher at organic plantations that were more secluded and distanced further from inorganic plantations.
