| 要旨トップ | 目次 | 日本生態学会第68回全国大会 (2021年3月、岡山) 講演要旨
ESJ68 Abstract

一般講演(ポスター発表) P2-124  (Poster presentation)

ボルネオ島の原生林と伐採林における森林構造と種組成の比較 【B】
Comparison of forest structure and species composition in primary and logged forests in Borneo 【B】

*Kazuki MIYAMOTO(FFPRI), Shin-ichiro AIBA(Hokkaido Univ.), Ryota AOYAGI(JSPS PD, FFPRI), Reuben NILUS(Forest Research Centre, Sabah)

To clarify forest recovery processes after logging, we compared forest structure and species composition between intact and logged forests in Borneo. The study area was located in the Maliau Basin Conservation Area and its surrounding areas in Sabah, Malaysia. Study plots (50 m × 50 m each) were established in one intact forest and two logged forests which were selectively logged in 2005-2010 and in 2015. The basal area in the old logged forest was similar to that in the intact forest, while that in the new logged forest was about half that in the intact forest. The dominant trees were dipterocarps in the intact forest, and Macaranga species in the two logged forests. The Macaranga species accounted for 37% of the total basal area in the old logged forest and 29% in the new logged forest. The frequency of the Macaranga species at the smallest DBH class (5–15 cm) was higher in the new logged forest than in the old logged forest, suggesting that the Macaranga species recently recruited in the new logged forest. These results showed the role of pioneer species in the recovery of basal area in the logged forests.
