【B】バイリンガル発表:発表媒体が英語もしくは日英併記予定の発表 /
Bilingual presentation: Presentation slides or poster will be prepared in English or Japanese with English subtitles
Presentation applied to the English Presentation Audiences Award
Functional archetypes underlie diverse morphological varieties in the evolution of ant mandibles and muscles【EPAA】
Spatio-temporal variation in life-history traits of an amphidromous fish, ayu: changes in the traits after 19 years【EPAA】
Age-specific habitat preference alters the response of population spatial variability to fishing-driven age truncation
淵と瀬で変化するコクチバス vsコイ科魚類の相互作用【EPAA】
Habitat dependent predation-competition interaction shifts of invasive smallmouth bass and resident cyprinids in the Chikuma River, Nagano Japan【EPAA】
A national-scale assessment of associations between benthic macroinvertebrate communities and nickel concentrations in Japan
Biomass pyramids of marine zooplankton communities as inferred from their integrated trophic positions
Temperature-dependent competition in stream salmonids: a field test considering biotic interactions and abiotic factors【EPAA】
Predator extinctions compromise compositional but not functional stability in response to aquatic heatwaves【EPAA】