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日本生態学会第68回全国大会 (2021年3月、岡山) 一般講演 口頭発表 一覧

H03 Mathematical ecology・Conservation (3月19日 14:00-16:15 Room H)

【B】バイリンガル発表:発表媒体が英語もしくは日英併記予定の発表 /
Bilingual presentation: Presentation slides or poster will be prepared in English or Japanese with English subtitles

Presentation applied to the English Presentation Audiences Award

Macroscale vertical power-law distribution of bacteria in dark oceans can emerge from microscale bacteria-particle interactions *Takeshi MIKI(Ryukoku University, Japan), Po-Ju KE(Princeton University, USA)

Describing Simulation Models in Ecology -- The ODD Protocol (2nd update) *Christian E VINCENOT(Kyoto University), Volker GRIMM(UFZ), Steven F. RAILSBACK(Humboldt State University), Daniel AYLLON(UCM)

Genetic dynamics subjected to life history trade-offs: viable demographic strategies under changing environments【EPAA】 *Yoichi TSUZUKI, Takenori TAKADA, Masashi OHARA(Hokkaido Univ. Env. Sci.)

The tragedy of the commons in plants: from the perspective of growth and resource allocation【EPAA】 *Bo-moon KIM, Jun-Ichirou SUZUKI, Yuuya TACHIKI(Tokyo Metropolitan University)

Impact of mixed cropping managements on soil microbial community composition and diversity—interaction of legume species and organic fertilizer—【EPAA】 *Akari KIMURA, Yoshitaka UCHIDA(Hokkaido University)

A Comprehensive Analysis of Inter and Intra Annual Diet of Streaked Shearwater (Calonectris leucomelas) Rearing chicks in Awashima Island, Japan【EPAA】 *Hikkaduwa palliya gurugei Chamitha dulanjaya DE ALWIS(Nagaoka Univ. of Technology), Maki YAMAMOTO(Nagaoka Univ. of Technology), Ken YODA(Nagoya University)

The Ryukyu Flying Fox - Ecological Importance and Conservation Threats【EPAA】 *Anja COLLAZO(Kyoto University, Island Bat Research Group), Christian E. VINCENOT(Kyoto University, Island Bat Research Group)

Current site planning of medium to large solar power systems accelerates a loss of remaining semi-natural and agricultural habitats *Ji Yoon KIM, Dai KOIDE, Fumiko ISHIHAMA, Taku KADOYA(NIES)
