| 要旨トップ | 目次 | 日本生態学会第69回全国大会 (2022年3月、福岡) 講演要旨
ESJ69 Abstract

一般講演(口頭発表) A01-02  (Oral presentation)

Mycorrhizal types as a crucial driver of seedling survival: evidence from a cool temperate native forest

*門脇浩明(京都大学白眉センター), 北川陽一郎(京都大学フィールド研), 石原正恵(京都大学フィールド研)
*Kohmei KADOWAKI(Kyoto Univ, Hakubi Center), Yoichiro KITAGAWA(Kyoto Univ, FSERC), Masae ISHIHARA(Kyoto Univ, FSERC)

Identifying the mechanisms of coexistence and succession of tree communities is an important issue in ecology, and it is a field that has seen remarkable theoretical and empirical development in recent years. Since 2003, we have been conducting tree surveys and seedling surveys in the cool-temperate mixed forest plots in the Ashiu Research Forest of Kyoto University. Here we will focus on seedlings, which are one of the important stages that determine the dynamics of tree communities, and report the results of our analysis of how the survival probability of seedlings is affected by the density of surrounding adult trees of the same and different species. Using logistic regression analysis, we estimated the effect of the density of surrounding adult trees on seedling survival probability for the major tree species, and constructed an interaction network based on the marginal effects of the estimated parameters. We found that the interaction network is dominated by negative interspecific interactions involving the most abundant species (Cryptomeria japonica), and there are only a few positive interspecific interactions (such as Fagus crenata and Acer spp.). We discuss the results in terms of the importance of mycorrhizal type matching(mismatching) between seedlings and the surrounding adult trees. 
