| 要旨トップ | 目次 | 日本生態学会第69回全国大会 (2022年3月、福岡) 講演要旨
ESJ69 Abstract

一般講演(口頭発表) C03-04  (Oral presentation)

Projecting the impacts of climate change on traditional food species for Arctic indigenous peoples

*Jorge GARCIA MOLINOS, Zhixin ZHANG(Hokkaido University)

The Arctic is the region of the Earth exposed to more rapid and drastic anthropogenic climate change; a tendency expected to exacerbate in the future. Evidence demonstrates that these changes are threatening Arctic ecosystems and its biodiversity at unprecedented rates, yet no study have so far investigated what these changes may represent to the species of plants and animals that sustain the food systems Arctic peoples rely on. Here, we present the first pan-Arctic assessment of traditional food diversity in the Arctic spanning over 100 species of country food used by Arctic indigenous peoples encompassing marine, terrestrial and freshwater species of plants and animals. Using curated occurrence records and species-specific environmental predictors, we developed ensemble species distribution models (SDMs) for each food species and predicted potential impacts of climate change on their habitat suitability. Our preliminary results show that ensemble models had good predictive abilities for these indigenous food species. Model predictions suggest that climate change is likely to produce profound changes in habitat suitability and composition of many of these species irrespective of the emission scenarios considered.
