| 要旨トップ | 目次 | 日本生態学会第69回全国大会 (2022年3月、福岡) 講演要旨
ESJ69 Abstract

一般講演(ポスター発表) P1-062  (Poster presentation)

An automated escape system of prey for understanding behavioral predator-prey interactions

*Nozomi SUNAMI(Nagasaki Univ.), Hibiki KIMURA(Nagasaki Univ.), Hidechika ITO(Tohoku Univ.), Koichi HASHIMOTO(Tohoku Univ.), Soki TACHIBANA(Nagasaki Univ.), Mikiya HIDAKA(Nagasaki Univ.), Kouki MIYAMA(Nagasaki Univ.), Hirofumi WATANABE(Nagasaki Univ.), Yuuki KAWABATA(Nagasaki Univ.)

Although studying predators’ behavior against prey’s antipredator behavior is important to understand predator-prey interactions, controlling prey behavior under realistic predation remains challenging. To solve this problem, we developed a system programmed to pull prey away from predators as the predator reaches a threshold distance. We then measured the system’s response time and moving speed to test its performance. We also illustrated the approach by applying it to a case study that examines the reaction of Coreoperca kawamebari to a simulated prey. The performance test showed that the system works stably and accurately. The case study showed that the manipulated parameters of prey (i.e., escape speed and flight initiation distance) affect predation probability, which is similar to the relation obtained from the experiment involving live predators and prey. We believe that our system can be used to explain various phenomena in predator-prey interactions.
