| 要旨トップ | 目次 | 日本生態学会第69回全国大会 (2022年3月、福岡) 講演要旨
ESJ69 Abstract

一般講演(ポスター発表) P1-179  (Poster presentation)

維管束着生植物の分布は,温帯の湿潤地域でも,水の利用可能性によって決まるのか? 【B】
Does water availability determine the distribution of vascular epiphytes even in humid temperate regions? 【B】

*瀨戸美文(高知大学・院・黒潮圏), 比嘉基紀(高知大学・院・黒潮圏), 塩野貴之(琉球大学・理), 久保田康裕(琉球大学・理), 平田晶子(森林総合研究所), 小南裕志(森林総合研究所)
*Mifumi SETO(Kochi Univ.), Motoki HIGA(Kochi Univ.), Takayuki SHIONO(Ryukyu Univ.), Yasuhiro KUBOTA(Ryukyu Univ.), Akiko HIRATA(FFPRI), Yuji KOMINAMI(FFPRI)

The latitudinal species richness gradients of vascular epiphytes are positively correlated with high water availability. Zotz (2016) hypothesized that low temperatures and long-lasting frosts likely determine the latitudinal species richness gradients of vascular epiphytes; however, quantitative studies are limited. Here, we assessed epiphyte species richness along temperature and precipitation gradients in Japan covering cold-temperate to subtropical climates. We analyzed the relationship between the occurrence of 69 epiphytes (44 ferns, 24 orchids, and 1 ribes) and two climatic factors (precipitation of wettest month: BIO13 and temperature annual range: BIO7) using thin-plate spline and generalized additive models. The epiphyte species richness of all species, ferns, and orchids increased with increasing BIO13 in areas with temperatures under 32℃ of BIO7; however, this trend was unclear in areas with temperatures above 33℃ of BIO7. In Japan, 91.5% of areas with temperatures above 32.5℃ of BIO7 had less than 0℃ of the mean temperatures of the coldest quarter. Our results suggest that low temperatures, especially frosts, as well as water availability determine latitudinal epiphyte species richness in humid temperate regions.
