| 要旨トップ | 目次 | 日本生態学会第69回全国大会 (2022年3月、福岡) 講演要旨
ESJ69 Abstract

一般講演(ポスター発表) P2-001  (Poster presentation)

Forward is not equal to backward? The importance of the sequence of treatments and their effect in ecological systems 【B】

*Aiko IWASAKI(Asamushi, Tohoku Univ.), Rillig C. MATTHIAS(Free Univ., Berlin)

Understanding and forecasting ecological impacts of multiple disturbances have become more important with increasing the frequency of them and area they affect due to climate change and human activities. The interest to predict ecological impacts of multiple disturbances has been centered on examining the pattern and mechanism of non-additive response, “ecological surprise”, caused by interactions between disturbances. Although most studies working on this issue assumed that multiple disturbances simultaneously acted, such disturbances often asynchronously act and the timing or order of them will influence the cumulative impact. This is because ecological impact of them can vary depending on the condition or composition of population or community which temporally change. However, there is no study which comprehensively and systematically evaluate how the temporal factors, such as the order of disturbances, influence the cumulative impacts of disturbances and the ecological consequences. This study focuses on the effect of the order of disturbances on the ecological impact and report the current situation of that topic and make a suggestion for enhancing studies working on this issue.
