| 要旨トップ | 目次 | 日本生態学会第69回全国大会 (2022年3月、福岡) 講演要旨
ESJ69 Abstract

一般講演(ポスター発表) P2-057  (Poster presentation)

幾何学モデルによって動物の多様な逃避方向パターンを説明する 【B】
Geometrical model explains various patterns of animal escape trajectories 【B】

*河端雄毅(長崎大学), 赤田英之(長崎大学), 島谷健一郎(統計数理研究所), NISHIHARAGregory(長崎大学), 木村響(長崎大学), 西海望(長崎大学, 基礎生物学研究所), DOMENICIPaolo(IAMC-CNR)
*Yuuki KAWABATA(Nagasaki University), Akada HIDEYUKI(Nagasaki University), Ken-ichiro SHIMATANI(Inst. Stat. Math.), Gregory N NISHIHARA(Nagasaki University), Hibiki KIMURA(Nagasaki University), Nozomi NISHIUMI(Nagasaki University, Nat. Inst. Basic Biol.), Paolo DOMENICI(IAMC-CNR)

The escape trajectory (ET) of prey – measured as the angle relative to the predator's approach path – plays a major role in avoiding predation. Previous geometric models predict a single ET; however, many species show highly variable ETs with multiple preferred directions. Although such a high ET variability may confer unpredictability to avoid predation, the reasons why animals prefer specific multiple ETs remain unclear. Here, we constructed a novel geometric model that incorporates the time required for prey to turn and the predator's position at the end of its attack. The optimal ET was determined by maximizing the time difference of arrival at the edge of the safety zone between the prey and predator. By fitting the model to the experimental data of fish Pagrus major, we show that the model can clearly explain the observed multiple preferred ETs. By using the same model, we were able to explain different patterns of ETs empirically observed in other species (e.g., insects and frogs): a single preferred ET and multiple preferred ETs at small (20–50°) and large (150–180°) angles from the predator. Our results open new avenues of investigation for understanding how animals choose their ETs from behavioral and neurosensory perspectives.
