| 要旨トップ | 目次 | 日本生態学会第69回全国大会 (2022年3月、福岡) 講演要旨
ESJ69 Abstract

一般講演(ポスター発表) P2-170  (Poster presentation)

富士カラマツ林における林冠太陽光誘起クロロフィル蛍光の算出手法と雲量による影響 【B】
The effect of retrievals and cloudiness on canopy sun induced chlorophyll fluorescence in a larch forest of Mt Fuji 【B】

*両角友喜(北海道大学), 加藤知道(北海道大学), 野田響(国立環境研究所), 高橋善幸(国立環境研究所)
*Tomoki MOROZUMI(Hokkaido University), Tomomichi KATO(Hokkaido University), Hibiki NODA(NIES), Yoshiyuki TAKAHASHI(NIES)

Recently sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence (SIF) is used to detect photosynthesis from an ecosystem scale based on physiological mechanisms. We focus on the larch forest which is one of the main ecosystem types in high latitude regions experiencing climate change impact. It is important to know how we can explain SIF signals on different methods and conditions before applying them to the study. In this study, we examined (i) the window size for spectral fitting to retrieve SIF, (ii) the effect of sky cloudiness on the relationship between SIF and photosynthetically active radiation (PAR). We continuously observed upward and downward spectra (ranging 650-800 nm, full width at half maximum < 0.4 nm) on the 32m tower in a Japanese Larch (Larix kampferi) forest at the Fuji-Hokuroku (FHK) flux observation site (35.4 N, 138.8 E) since March 2021. Correlation coefficients between SIF and PAR were varied between clear-sky and overcast-sky in the wide window, although they were relatively consistent between clear-sky and overcast-sky in the narrow window of the spectral fitting. After checking the consistency of SIF detectability, the seasonal variation of SIF implies that depression in the rainy period in late June could be a physiological response in the forest.
