| 要旨トップ | 目次 | 日本生態学会第69回全国大会 (2022年3月、福岡) 講演要旨
ESJ69 Abstract

一般講演(ポスター発表) P2-195  (Poster presentation)

伊吹山の石灰岩、非石灰岩土壌に成立する森林間の土壌養分可給性と葉栄養塩濃度の違い 【B】
Variations in soil nutrient availabilities and leaf nutrient concentrations in temperate karst and non-karst forests on Mount Ibuki, Japan 【B】

*梶野浩史(京都大学), 福井美沙希(京都大学), 藤本悠太朗(京都大学), 藤井黎(京都大学), 横部智浩(京都大学), 龍見史恵(ボストン大学), 菅井徹人(森林総研), 岡田直紀(京都大学), 中村亮介(京都大学)
*Hirofumi KAJINO(Kyoto Univ.), Misaki FUKUI(Kyoto Univ.), Yutaro FUJIMOTO(Kyoto Univ.), Rei FUJII(Kyoto Univ.), Tomohiro YOKOBE(Kyoto Univ.), Chikae TATSUMI(Boston Univ.), Tetsuto SUGAI(FFPRI), Naoki OKADA(Kyoto Univ.), Ryosuke NAKAMURA(Kyoto Univ.)

Plants in karst soils generally grow under phosphorus (P) deficient conditions since calcium (Ca) ions in the soil deposits phosphate under high pH (> 7.5-8.0). However, little is known about the characteristics of soils and functional traits of trees in karst forests with relatively low soil pH. Japanese karst soils are known to have relatively low soil pH, probably because of high precipitation. We hypothesized that the effect of P deficiency is weak in the karst soil with relatively low pH. We investigated soil properties and nutrient concentrations of leaves of four dominant trees (Carpinus tschonoskii, Cornus macrophylla, Neolitsea sericea, and Quercus variabilis) and leaf litter on the forest floor in karst and neighboring non-karst (sandstone) forests on Mt. Ibuki, Japan. Soil pH of the karst and non-karst sites were 6.5 and 5.6. The higher Ca and P and lower potassium availabilities were shown in the karst soil than the non-karst soil. P concentrations of leaf and leaf litter were also higher in the karst site. Our results suggest that karst soil could release much P after soil pH decreased by weathering.
