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日本生態学会第69回全国大会 (2022年3月、福岡) 一般講演 口頭発表 一覧

B04 数理 / Mathematical ecology (3月15日 15:30-17:15 Room B, オンライン)

【B】バイリンガル発表:発表媒体が英語もしくは日英併記予定の発表 /
Bilingual presentation: Presentation slides or poster will be prepared in English or Japanese with English subtitles

Presentation applied to the English Presentation Award

Conditional strategies through kin recognition under the tragedy of the common games in plants【EPA】 *Bo-moon KIM(Tokyo Metropolitan Univsersity), Akira YAMAWO(Hirosaki University), Yuuya TACHIKI(Tokyo Metropolitan Univsersity)

Valley of free-riders on the evolution from horizontally to vertically transmitted mutualism【EPA】 *Yu UCHIUMI(Nihon Univ.)

Modeling acorn masting by the Spatially Explicit Individual Based DGVM in a deciduous-conifer mixed forest in Hokkaido【EPA】 *Lea VEGH, Tomomichi KATO(Hokkaido University)

Mathematical Analysis of Epidemic SEIS Dynamics as Point Process. *Sayeda Irin AKTER, Fugo TAKASU(Nara Women's University)

Mathematical model for aggregated multiple infections of fungal parasites on phytoplankton host cells *Takeshi MIKI(Ryukoku University), Kinuyo YONEYA(Kindai Univeristy), Kazuaki MATSUI(Kindai Univeristy), Maiko KAGAMI(Yokohama National University)

Coexistence theory as a nexus for linking competition and biogeography *David ARMITAGE(Okinawa Inst. Sci. Tech.)
