| 要旨トップ | 目次 | 日本生態学会第70回全国大会 (2023年3月、仙台) 講演要旨
ESJ70 Abstract

一般講演(口頭発表) B02-11  (Oral presentation)

Fine-root phosphatase activities in Quercus serrata and its determinants on a wide gradient of soil-phosphorus availability【EPA】

*水上知佳(京都大学・森林生態学), 向井真那(山梨大学), 和穎朗太(農研機構), 江澤辰広(北海道大学), 北山兼弘(京都大学・森林生態学)
*Chika MIZUKAMI(Kyoto Univ. Forest Ecology), Mana MUKAI(University of Yamanashi), Rota WAGAI(NARO), Tatsuhiro EZAWA(Hokkaido University), Kanehiro KITAYAMA(Kyoto Univ. Forest Ecology)

Quercus serrata occurs across a wide soil phosphorus (P) gradient. Plants secrete phosphatase from fine roots and phosphatase degrades soil organic P to release orthophosphate, the only form resorbed by plants. P acquisition traits of Quercus serrata may be adapted to a wide soil P gradient and there may be intraspecific variations in fine-root phosphatase activities. Four fine-root phosphatase activities of Quercus serrata (PME: phosphomonoesterase; PDE: phosphodiesterase; PyP: pyrophosphatase; and PhT: phytase) were measured in 14 forests with different soil P availability. The PME, PyP, and PhT activities differed among the 14 forests. There were intraspecific variations in fine-root phosphatase activities, suggesting that Quercus serrata may have local adaptation in phosphatase secretion. The PME demonstrated the highest activities of the four and had a negative relation with the concentration of soil labile orthophosphate which corresponds to the product of PME reactions. Quercus serrata may secret PME as the primary enzyme and enhances the PME activity in low-P soils. The PDE also had a negative relation with the concentration of monoester P which corresponds to the products of the PDE reaction. We suggest that Quercus serrata can distribute across a wide soil P gradient by regulating four phosphatase activities.
