| 要旨トップ | 目次 | 日本生態学会第70回全国大会 (2023年3月、仙台) 講演要旨
ESJ70 Abstract

一般講演(ポスター発表) P1-388  (Poster presentation)

Does disaster and displacement affect people's evaluation of relational values?【A】【E】

*Tomomi SAITO, Shizuka HASHIMOTO(University of Tokyo)

Relocations with disasters may not diminish the relational values of nature (RVs), or RVs may be established in new locations in a decade. RVs are a valuing framework encompassing various values that people articulate to nature and others associated with nature. This study aimed to measure the lost RVs quantitatively using a five-point scale questionnaire, hypothesizing that RVs of nature around home diminish with relocations due to a natural disaster. We targeted the adult residents of Iwate prefecture, where the large-scale relocations conducted in coastal zones with the Tohoku earthquake and Tsunami in 2011 and compared the RVs of those who moved due to a designation of “disaster risk areas” for disaster prevention or house demolition, those who moved voluntarily, and those who did not move. Three thousand seven hundred sixty samples were collected through a web survey between February 25, 2022, to 28th. Three RVs factors were extracted with exploratory factor analysis and named “appreciation to nature,” “altruism,” and “indifference.” A multi-group analysis using the three factors revealed little difference between the groups in any RVs factors. The result of the present study provides empirical evidence for the quantitative measurement of RVs and the changes in RVs in disasters.
