| 要旨トップ | 目次 | 日本生態学会第71回全国大会 (2024年3月、横浜) 講演要旨
ESJ71 Abstract

一般講演(口頭発表) B01-01  (Oral presentation)

Impact of agricultural management and landscape on dung beetle communities in Hokkaido, Japan: balancing farming with conservation【EPA】

*Hazuki ECHIGO(Hokkaido Univ.)

A comprehensive understanding of the connections between dung beetle communities and agricultural systems is imperative for ensuring food security, because of the viral role dung beetles play in nutrient cycling and soil health. Within Japan, dung beetles provide important ecological services to livestock production systems, particularly in prefectures like Hokkaido with extensive dairy and beef sectors. However, the factors that drive the structuring of dung beetle communities in agricultural landscapes and the impacts of these communities on soil traits are poorly known in Hokkaido. To bridge this knowledge gap, an investigation was conducted on cattle farms in Kuromatsunai, Hokkaido, focusing on dung beetle communities, soil properties, and farm management practices to pinpoint potential factors influencing dung beetle community structure. Sampling was carried out on four farms in Kuromatsunai, each employing varied agricultural management approaches. The sampling process utilized traps which is one kind of pitfall trap with cattle dung as a bait, and data collection extended over a three-month period from July to September 2023. In total, 3,689 dung beetles were sampled in this survey, including species such as Aphodius rectus and Caccobius jessoensis. The relationship between soil traits and dung beetle abundance and richness was also explored. In the soil survey, samples were gathered using core samplers from areas neighboring the locations where dung beetle traps were set on each farm. These samples underwent analysis to assess nitrogen and carbon levels, as well as soil density and moisture content. The results highlighted significant variations in both dung beetle abundance and richness among farms employing different farm management practices. Factors such as chemical input volumes and the presence of adjacent natural vegetation emerged as influential drivers of the dung beetle community structure. This research provides valuable insights into the dynamics of dung beetle communities in Hokkaido's agricultural landscapes, shedding light on the potential implications for soil health and agricultural sustainability.
