| 要旨トップ | 目次 | 日本生態学会第71回全国大会 (2024年3月、横浜) 講演要旨
ESJ71 Abstract

一般講演(口頭発表) C01-02  (Oral presentation)

Quantitative assessment of extinction risk for 3,180 vascular plant species in Kanagawa, Japan【EPA】

*夫婦石千尋(九州大学), 大西亘(生命の星・地球博物館), 矢原徹一(QOU), 佐竹暁子(九州大学)
*Chihiro MYOTOISHI(Kyushu Univ.), Wataru OHNISHI(Kanagawa Pref. Mus. Nat. Hist.), Tetsukazu YAHARA(Kyushu Open University), Akiko SATAKE(Kyushu Univ.)

Due to ongoing urban development, vascular plants inhabiting Kanagawa Prefecture, located adjacent to the megacity of Tokyo, are expected to have undergone a continuous decline in their localities.
To quantify this decline, we utilized a database constructed through presence-absence surveys conducted during three survey periods, Phase 1 (1979-1989), Phase 2 (1996-2000), and Phase 3 (2013-2017), for 3,180 vascular plant species across 111 localities in Kanagawa. This database enables us to monitor transitions from presence (1) to absence (0) or from absence (0) to presence (1) at each locality between phases. Subsequently, we calculated per-year increase and decrease rates of species i's localities, denoted as bi and di, between phases. Consequently, we obtained four rates for each species, b(i,12), b(i,23), d(i,12), and d(i,23), where subscripts 12 and 23 indicate the transition from phase 1 to 2 and phase 2 to 3, respectively. We then calculated the medians of increase and decrease rates, denoted as M(b,12), M(b,23), M(d,12), and M(d,23), and conducted statistical tests on M(b,12) and M(b,23), M(d,12) and M(d,23).
As a result, M(b,12) is significantly lower than M(b,23), and M(d,12) is significantly higher than M(d,23). These results suggest that an acceleration in new locality generation and a deceleration in existing locality loss. Furthermore, to determine if the number of localities is still decreasing, we calculated medians of net changes, b(i,12) - d(i,12) and b(i,23) - d(i,23). Then it is shown that b(i,12) - d(i,12) is significantly lower than b(i,23) - d(i,23), and both values are negative. This result indicates that the loss of localities exceeds the generation of new localities in Kanagawa.
Notably, both b(i,12) - d(i,12) and b(i,23) - d(i,23) are negative for 1,057 species of vascular plants, respectively, suggesting the potential extinction of these species in future. This calculation introduces a new indicator to quantify the threat of extinction in vascular plants.
