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日本生態学会第71回全国大会 (2024年3月、横浜) 一般講演 口頭発表 一覧

A02 Material cycling / Fungi and microbes / Ecosystem management (3月16日 15:15-17:45 Room A)

【A】ポスター賞候補 /
Poster Presentation Award applicants

【B】バイリンガル発表:発表媒体が日英併記の発表 /
Bilingual presentation: Presentation slides or posters are in both Japanese and English

【E】英語発表:英語による口頭発表、および、英語による説明動画が付属するもしくは英語での口頭説明が可能なポスター発表 /
English presentation: Oral presentation in English or poster presentation with English talk movie and/or English conversation

【O】オンサイト発表 /
Onsite Presentation

【S】公募セッション /
Open Session

English Presentation Award applicants

Contribution of complexity and stability of fungal community to multifunctionality in the Arctic【EPA】 *Xinyu XU(The Univ. of Tokyo), Shu Kuan WONG(N.I. of Polar Research), Keita NISHIZAWA(The Univ. of Tokyo), Masaki UCHIDA(N.I. of Polar Research), Akira S. MORI(The Univ. of Tokyo)

Trait-based community assembly in early successional tropical wet forests in Ghana【EPA】 *Tomonari MATSUO(Wageningen University), Masha T. VAN DER SANDE(Wageningen University), Lucy AMISSAH(CSIR-FORIG), Salim MOHAMMED ABDUL(CSIR-FORIG), Lourens POORTER(Wageningen University)

Soil microbial resource-uses and enzyme activities along a gradient  of forest degradation in logged-over tropical rain forests, Borneo【EPA】 *Linzi JIANG, Kanehiro KITAYAMA(Kyoto Univ.)

Microbial communities associated with nitrogen transformation in canopy soils on large cedars in Yakushima, Japan【EPA】 *Koki SUEYOSHI(Kobe Univ.), Chikae TATSUMI(Boston Univ., Hokkaido Univ.), Jennifer M. BHATNAGAR(Boston Univ.), Sho HIOKI(Kobe Univ.), Morimaru KIDA(Kobe Univ.), Tamihisa OHTA(University of Toyama), Hiroaki ISHII(Kobe Univ.), Ikuyo SAEKI(University of Tsukuba), Wakana AZUMA(Kobe Univ.)

Effects of surface land use and meteorological conditions on the bioaerosol phase at the air-land interface【EPA】 *Rohit BANGAY(Kanazawa University)

Relationships of above-ground biomass with climate and species composition across Japanese natural forests: which types of forests stock more carbon?【EPA】 *Hirofumi KAJINO(Tohoku University), Michio OGURO(FFPRI), Hiroko KUROKAWA(FFPRI), Yusuke ONODA(Kyoto University), Masahiro AIBA(University of Tokyo), Kouki HIKOSAKA(Tohoku University)

石灰岩土壌は貧栄養なのか、富栄養なのか:樹木の栄養塩利用と根圏効果の観点から【EPA】 *芝里万杜, 青柳亮太, 小野田雄介(京大・農・森林生態)
Are limestone soils oligotrophic or eutrophic?: from the perspective of nutrient-use efficiency and rhizosphere effects by tree species【EPA】 *Rimato SHIBA, Ryota AOYAGI, Yusuke ONODA(Kyoto Univ. Forest Ecology)

Development of vegetation structural complexity in an enrichment oil palm plantation (Sumatra, Indonesia)【EPA】 *Tatsuro KIKUCHI, Gustavo PATERNO, Dominik SEIDEL(University of Goettingen)

ササ掻き起こし施業による有機物分解特性の50年間の変化:天然更新と単一種植栽の比較【EPA】 *竹内理絵(横浜国立大学), 西澤啓太(東京大学), 小林勇太(東京農工大学), 増本翔太(筑波大学), 鈴木紅葉(東京大学), 河上智也(農研機構), 小林真(北海道大学), 片山昇(小樽商科大学), 岡田慶一(東京農業大学), 辰巳晋一(森林総合研究所), 松岡俊将(京都大学), 内田雅己(国立極地研究所), 高木健太郎(北海道大学), 森章(東京大学)
Fifty-year Dynamics of Organic Matter Decomposition Following Soil-scarification Practices : Comparing Natural Regeneration and Monospecies Planting【EPA】 *Rie TAKEUCHI(Yokohama National University), Keita NISHIZAWA(University of Tokyo), Yuta KOBAYASHI(Tokyo Univ. of Agri. and Tech.), Shota MASUMOTO(University of Tsukuba), Kureha F SUZUKI(University of Tokyo), Tomoya KAWAKAMI(NARO), Makoto KOBAYASHI(Hokkaido University), Noboru KATAYAMA(Otaru Univ. of Commerce), Keiichi OKADA(Tokyo Univ. of Agriculture), Shinnichi TATSUMI(FFPRI), Shunsuke MATSUOKA(Kyoto University), Masaki UCHIDA(NIPR), Kentaro TAKAGI(Hokkaido University), Akira S MORI(University of Tokyo)
