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日本生態学会第71回全国大会 (2024年3月、横浜) 一般講演 口頭発表 一覧

C02 Ecology and human culture (3月16日 16:45-17:45 Room C)

【A】ポスター賞候補 /
Poster Presentation Award applicants

【B】バイリンガル発表:発表媒体が日英併記の発表 /
Bilingual presentation: Presentation slides or posters are in both Japanese and English

【E】英語発表:英語による口頭発表、および、英語による説明動画が付属するもしくは英語での口頭説明が可能なポスター発表 /
English presentation: Oral presentation in English or poster presentation with English talk movie and/or English conversation

【O】オンサイト発表 /
Onsite Presentation

【S】公募セッション /
Open Session

English Presentation Award applicants

Ecological anthropological study on the impact of water pollution on the mangrove forests and local communities in the coastal areas of Mumbai, India【EPA】【S】 *Karin URUMA(Kyoto Univ.), Nobuhito OHTE(Kyoto Univ.), Ketaki BHADGAONKAR(Bombay61 studio), Jai BHADGAONKAR(Bombay61 studio), Shilpi SRIVASTAVA(IDS)

Beyond bees: a cross-country investigation into public perceptions of insect-mediated crop-pollination services【EPA】【S】 *Masari DATE(Tokyo Univ.), Yuya FUKANO(Chiba Univ.), Sayed Ibrahim FARKHARY(Kabul Univ.), Kei UCHIDA(Tokyo Univ.), Masashi SOGA(Tokyo Univ.)

How should primate bushmeat hunting be managed?: A case study in Southeastern Cameroonian rainforest region【EPA】【S】 *Yuji AKAOKA(Kyoto University (ASAFAS))

Policy diffusion in global biodiversity conservation: Learning, competition, coercion, and emulation amidst US-China great-power politics【EPA】【S】 *Hubert CHEUNG(Sapienza University of Rome, The University of Tokyo, Northern Arizona University), Annie Young SONG(Yonsei University), Moreno DI MARCO(Sapienza University of Rome), Duan BIGGS(Northern Arizona University, Stellenbosch University, Griffith University)
