| 要旨トップ | 口頭発表 トップ |

日本生態学会第72回全国大会 (2025年3月、札幌) 一般講演 口頭発表 一覧

I04 Fungi and microbes (3月18日 11:30-12:15 Room I)

【A】ポスター賞候補 /
Poster Presentation Award applicants

【B】バイリンガル発表:発表媒体が日英併記の発表 /
Bilingual presentation: Presentation slides or posters are in both Japanese and English

【E】英語発表:英語による口頭発表、および、英語による説明動画が付属するもしくは英語での口頭説明が可能なポスター発表 /
English presentation: Oral presentation in English or poster presentation with English talk movie and/or English conversation

【O】オンサイト発表 /
Onsite Presentation

【S】公募セッション /
Open Session

English Presentation Award applicants

The more the merrier? Effects of plant density on the conditioning of soil microbial community.【E】 *Chin te TSAI(National Taiwan University), Yu pei TSENG(University of Queensland), Po ju KE(National Taiwan University)

The effect of type and combination of fertilizers on eukaryotic microbiome of date palm rhizosphere【E】 *Juha ALATALO(Qatar University), Sara AL-HADIDI(Qatar University), Dana ABUMAALI(Qatar University), Talaat AHMED(Qatar University), Amer Fayad AL-KHIS(Ministry of Municipality Qatar), Sowaid Ali AL-MALKI(Ministry of Municipality Qatar), Mahmoud YAISH(Sultan Qaboos University), Hafeez Ur RAHIM(University of Ferrara), Muhammad Fasih KHALID(Qatar University), Hassan HASSAN(Qatar University)

The Ecological Role of Geese in Shaping Arctic Microbial Communities【E】 *Xinyu XU(The Univ. of Tokyo), Shu Kuan WONG(N.I. of Polar Research), Shunsuke MATSUOKA(Kyoto Univ.), Keita NISHIZAWA(The Univ. of Tokyo), Masaki UCHIDA(N.I. of Polar Research), Akira MORI(The Univ. of Tokyo)
