| 要旨トップ | 目次 | 日本生態学会第59回全国大会 (2012年3月,大津) 講演要旨
ESJ59/EAFES5 Abstract

一般講演(ポスター発表) P3-077J (Poster presentation)

Nutmeg-frugivore interactions in the Asia-Pacific region: importance of hornbills as seed dispersers for Myristicaceae

*Kitamura, S. (Hyogo Pref. Mus.), Poonswad, P. (Mahidol Univ.)

Large frugivores are important seed dispersers for many large-seeded trees, such as Myristicaceae, in tropical forests. We summarized the current knowledge of interactions between Myristicaceae fruits and vertebrate frugivores in the Asia-Pacific region, where trees of Myristicaceae are a major component of forest communities. Our objective was to identify the potentially important seed dispersers of Myristicaceae fruits in this region and to evaluate their effectiveness as seed dispersers. Most nutmeg species were eaten by various frugivores including 39 species of bird, 65 species of mammal, and 1 species of reptile, although we did not observe any close relationships between particular nutmeg fruits and specific frugivore species. Of the frugivores, we identified large birds, including hornbills and imperial pigeons, as potentially important seed dispersers for Myristicaceae. However, these frugivores are extensively hunted by humans, and many species have now been elimina

ted from most of their natural ranges. Because nutmeg-frugivore interactions may differ among forests in this region, additional studies of Myristicaceae should be replicated within both faunally healthy and depauperate forests throughout the Asia-Pacific region.
