*The last character 'J' of the poster number indicates that it is a conbribution to ESJ59 and 'A', to EAFES5.
[P3-065A] Flowering and seed production of Cercidiphyllum japonicum for 8 years
[P3-066A] Does warm temperature drive interannual variation of seed production in Quercus crispula?
[P3-067A] Reproductive investment mediated by pollination success in a wind-pollinated herb, Thalictrum occidentale
[P3-068A] Compensatory reproductive responses in a monocarpic perennial herb Cardiocrinum cordatum var. glehnii (Liliaceae)
[P3-069A] The Role of Frugivorous Lemur as Large-bodied Seed Disperser in a Madagascan Tropical Forest
[P3-070A] Carbon source for fruiting elucidated by long-term 13C labeling in mature deciduous trees
[P3-071A] Sexual differences in year-to-year reproductive trends in a dioecious multi-stemmed shrub
[P3-072A] Compensatory photosynthate translocation to bulbs by flower removal in Cardiocrinum cordatum
[P3-073A] Evaluation of logging operations for controlling regeneration of riparian trees
[P3-074A] Genetic load reduces reproductive success in a small population of a threatened tree, Magnolia stellata
[P3-075A] Dispersal of blue-green algae by waterbirds: Retention time of Microcystis aeruginosa in the digestive tract of ducks and its growth ability afterwards.
[P3-076A] Effects of wing shape of fruit on seed dispersal ability of Chinese wingnut Pterocarya stenoptera
[P3-077J] Nutmeg-frugivore interactions in the Asia-Pacific region: importance of hornbills as seed dispersers for Myristicaceae
[P3-078J] Is reproductive event in Fagus crenata associated with the amount of individual level carbohydrate storage?
[P3-079J] Species specific ant seed dispersal in spotted spurge (Chamaesyce maculatan)
[P3-080J] Geographic variation of floral scent in Ficus
[P3-081J] Light intensity affects sex ratio of Euonymus sieboldianus, a dioecious shrub
[P3-082J] 成長か?繁殖か?アブラチャンとシロモジにおける資源配分パターンの違い
[P3-083J] ヒガンバナ種子の発芽について(続報)
[P3-084J] 雌雄異株植物における開花フェノロジーとその資源状態への反応の性差
[P3-085J] 自然散布種子の胚乳と雌性配偶体のSSR分析によるモミの花粉と種子を介した遺伝子流動の推定
[P3-086J] なぜ、二つの型の自家不和合性が進化したのか:配偶体型と胞子体型の初期進化に関する理論的解析
[P3-087J] 絶滅危惧水生植物マルバオモダカにおける二種類の繁殖体の特性と役割
[P3-088J] ヤマガキの結実量と鳥類の訪問頻度との関係
[P3-089J] ケヤキの種子散布における二型について
[P3-090J] ガマズミ属2種に訪れる有効な訪花昆虫の推定
[P3-091J] オオヤマオダマキの花粉親を決める要因は何か
[P3-092J] コクサギの性比の偏りと生育環境について
[P3-093J] 発育指標モデルを用いた開花頻度分布の推定
[P3-094J] 夜昼咲きエゾキスゲの花寿命と送粉過程
[P3-095J] キク科雑草における痩果形態と種子散布様式の関係