| 要旨トップ | 目次 | | 日本生態学会第61回全国大会 (2014年3月、広島) 講演要旨 ESJ61 Abstract |
一般講演(口頭発表) C1-01 (Oral presentation)
In the temperate forests most tree species are able to maintain their populations in canopy by filling gap as post-treefall establishment of seedlings or advanced regeneration established before the creation of gap. The study analyses the role of expanded gaps (the area delineated by surrounding trees) in regeneration processes in two mixed Fagus sylvatica-Abies alba-Picea abies old-growth forests in the Western Carpathians, Poland. Regeneration in gaps was compared to regeneration under forest canopy. Small gaps dominated but medium and large gaps had also a high share, especially in the expanded gap area. Preliminary results show that regeneration densities was higher under forest canopy but regeneration of all species was more frequent in gaps, especially in case of Picea. Advanced Abies regeneration was more common in small and medium size gaps. Picea which is the less shade-tolerant of all three species preferred medium and large gaps. Fagus could successfully grow in gaps of all sizes and under forest canopy, gaining its dominance over Abies and Picea. This result is in accordance to previous observances of dynamic Fagus regeneration in European forests. The obtained results will be compared with the results from the mixed forest in Japan.