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日本生態学会第61回全国大会 (2014年3月、広島) 一般講演 口頭発表

F1 English Award (2) (3/16 15:45- 会場 F)

[F1-12] Land Developments Affect the Distribution Patterns of Alien Plants in Fuchu, Tokyo *Moe Sakio, Chiho Murakami (Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Graduate School of Agriculture), Masato Yoshikawa,Yoshinobu Hoshino (TUAT, Faculty of Agriculture)

[F1-13] Range expansion and lineage admixture of the Japanese evergreen tree Machilus thunbergii in central Japan *Shuntaro Watanabe(Univ.Shiga Pref), Yuko Kaneko(Lake Biwa Res Inst), Yuri Maesako(Osaka Sangyo Univ), Naohiko Noma(Univ.Shiga Pref)

[F1-14] Evaluation of public parks in metropolitan Tokyo using an ecological vegetation landscape assessment method *鈴木菜々子(東京農業大学•農)、西野文貴(東京農業大学•農)、中村幸人(東京農業大学•農)

[F1-15] Soil microbial composition alters the relative importance of plant traits in determining plant-soil feedback strength  *Ke, P.-J. (National Taiwan Univ.), Miki, T. (National Taiwan Univ.), Ding, T.-S.(National Taiwan Univ.)

[F1-16] Relative importance of mycorrihzal- and pathogenic-fungi on seeding establishment in gap and understory continuum *Wulantuya, Fukasawa Y, Seiwa K (Graduate School of Agricultural Science, Tohoku University)

[F1-17] Mesophyll anatomy strongly affects mesophyll conductance of fern species and their responce to CO2 *Nishida, K., Hanba, T. Y. (KIT), Kodama, N., Yonemura, S. (NIAES)

[F1-18] Differences in sensitivity of leaf litter decomposition to temperature: comparison between beech and fir forests along an elevation gradient *Hiroko Kurokawa, Takahisa Tanaka (Tohoku Univ.), Hideaki Shibata, Makoto Kobayashi (Hokkaido Univ.), Nobuhiro Kaneko (Yokohama National Univ.), Sakino Takayanagi, Kouki Hikosaka, Tohru Nakashizuka (Tohoku Univ.)
