| 要旨トップ | 目次 | 日本生態学会第63回全国大会 (2016年3月、仙台) 講演要旨
ESJ63 Abstract

一般講演(ポスター発表) P1-268 (Poster presentation)

Small-clawed otters in Indonesian rice fields: Latrine-site characteristics and visitation rates

*Aadrean (Kanazawa University), Usio, N. (Kanazawa University)

The small-clawed otter (Aonyx cinerea) inhabits paddy-dominated landscapes in Indonesia. To date, the habitat use of small-clawed otter populations is largely unknown. Through a 25-week field survey and GIS analysis, we investigated latrine (toilet) site characteristics of small-clawed otters in rice-fields along Batang-Anai River drainage in West Sumatra. On the basis of grid (200m×200m) and point-based (GPS coordinates) data, autocovariate Generalized Linear Models were constructed using landscape (e.g. distance to a nearest settlement, proportion of land use) and environmental factors (e.g. mean water depth of adjacent rice fields) as predictors, and latrine site characteristics (occurrence, visitation rates of otters) as responses. The result of grid-based analysis showed that moderate numbers of rice-field huts was the single most important predictor that explained the occurrence of latrine sites (deviance explained=9.24%). The result of point-based analysis showed that mean water depth, distance to a nearest settlement and autocovariate were most important predictors that explained the visitation rate of otters (deviance explained=66.93%). On the basis of these statistical models, factors that determine suitable latrine sites for small-clawed otters will be discussed.
