| 要旨トップ | 目次 | 日本生態学会第64回全国大会 (2017年3月、東京) 講演要旨
ESJ64 Abstract

一般講演(ポスター発表) P1-O-404  (Poster presentation)

Effects of urbanization and climate warming on expansion of a temperate palm: along urban-forest gradient

*Xiaodai XU, Akiko Sakai(横浜国立大学環境情報学府)

This study focused on Trachycarpus fortunei, an invasive palm, which was introduced to Japan as ornament, but began to escape to nature area from 1970s. We investigated T. fortunei in fragmented forests along urban-mountain gradient in Kanagawa prefecture to verify trait variety of this palm in different condition. Two species distribution models, STASH and MaxEnt, were used to analyze the effects of warming change on suitable distribution area of T. fortunei and to find out the suitable condition for this invasive species in introduced area. Landscape indices were used to analyze effect of forest fragmentation on expansion of this palm. We found that from urban to mountain area, reproduction size tended to be smaller though there was no significant difference in growth rate. Warming change increased distribution suitability near mountain area but almost brought no effect on urban area. Forest fragmentation change was seemed no significant effect to the expansion of this palm. Given the results found here and literature, we suggest that it is necessary to stop the sale of T. fortunei as ornament in expansion area and effect of warming change should be attached importance to in the area where the expansion phenomenon has not occurred right now.
