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ESJ56 一般講演(ポスター発表) PB2-690

Simulating soil carbon for Pinus densiflora using Yasso and RothC models

*A.R.Lee, N.J.Noh, Y.Son, Y.S.Cho, W.K.Lee

Soil carbon models are useful to estimate carbon stock in soils and to understand carbon dynamics in soils with different scenarios, such as forest management practices or climate conditions. However, in Korea, there have been few studies on soil carbon modeling as well as its application. In the current study, Yasso (2005) and RothC (version 26.3, 1999) models were used to estimate carbon stock in soils for Pinus densiflora forests in central Korea and to understand carbon changes in soils to climate change in the region.

The simulation results were as follows: 1) initial (steady state) carbon stocks in soils were 38.92 tC ha-1 for Yasso and 43.87 tC ha-1 for RothC, 2) current carbon stocks in soils were 38.61 tC ha-1 for Yasso and 43.08 tC ha-1 for RothC, and 3) when mean annual temperature increase up to 0.1℃ from the initial climate condition, carbon stocks in soils decreased by 0.03% for Yasso and 0.06% for RothC. Two models simulated very similar initial and current carbon stocks in soils and changes in soil carbon stocks to climate change in Korea.

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