• 日本語
  • Instructions and Notices

    For all participants

    Meeting bylaws

    ESJ69 will be held in accordance with the bylaws of the Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Japan. Participants are requested to be aware of these bylaws and the following notes, and follow the instructions from the Organizing Committee members and chairpersons.


    • As an online platform, we will use ONLINE CONF, which will be the venue for ESJ69 (Released on March 1, 2022, https://esj.gakkai.online/). Participants will need an individual ID and a password to enter the portal site. 
    • The individual ID and password will be notified by email to those who registered. We accept registration until March 13, 2022. Please register via https://iap-jp.org/esj/conf/login_en.php by February 21, 2022, or via ONLINE CONF after March 1, 2022 (The registration system will be unavailable from February 22 to 28, 2022).
    • Undergraduate students (or junior), participants who use a workshop ticket, and participants who attend only the Junior Ecology Lecture, both must register through https://iap-jp.org/esj/conf/login_en.php by February 21, 2022.
    • The platform (ONLINE CONF) will be kept open from March 1, 2022 till April 5, 2022 at 9:00.
    • A printed version of the program booklet of ESJ69 will not be provided. The meeting information and PDF program will be available to the participants on the ESJ69 official website (/en/home-2/) or on the platform.
    • The audience that will be using a workshop ticket and the high school students that will participate only in the Ecology Course will receive a URL link for their participation via email by March 12, 2022.

    Preparation of Internet access environment

    • ESJ69 will be held on the platform using ONLINE CONF. All oral presentations, symposium and workshop will be made in real-time using the Zoom Meetings (https://zoom.us/meetings).
    • Poster presentations will be made on the platform (ONLINE CONF).
    • Please check in advance how to use these online tools and make sure your internet connection is stable. The Organizing Committee will not be able to assist the participants with their equipment, access to Zoom, or internet connection troubles on the meeting days.
    • We recommend the participants to use earphones or headsets with microphones, as the microphone in the PCs might have problems (poor sound quality, picking up the sound of the PC fans, feedback, etc.).

    Zoom Settings

    • In Zoom, please display the name you have registered to the system. (e.g., “Charles Darwin; XX Univ.”).
    • In Zoom Meetings, please unmute audio only when required by the chairperson (otherwise, please keep the audio muted). If you want to ask a question, please follow the chairperson’s instructions.
    • Attendees might be asked to leave if the chairperson has found them disrupring the presentation. In this case, please re-check your Zoom settings and log-in again.
    • During the Zoom Webinar sessions (Public Lecture), the audio of the participants will be muted by default. Please follow the instructions of the organizers for how to ask questions.
    • It is not allowed to enter multiple venues at the same time using multiple devices and/or accounts.


    • On each presentation page in the platform, a public comment field will be provided for text communication between the presenters and the audience. Feel free to use this field if you are, for example, unable to ask questions during the presentation.
    • The public comment field of each presentation is available at any time during the open period of the platform.
    • The Organizing Committee reserves the right to delete any content that is deemed offensive to the public order and morals.

    Notes on the online holding

    • URL links for Zoom Meetings and login ID for ONLINE CONF will be sent by email only to the participants who have registered for the annual meeting and paid the registration fee. Do not share the received URL links and login ID with others.
    • Recording presentations and saving posters without the presenters’ permission are not allowed. Please do not download any contents of the presentations without permission, including saving screenshots and recording using other devices.

    Childcare fee assistance

    • The Ecological Society of Japan will reimburse a portion of childcare fees (e.g. the use of a sitter or temporary care at a daycare center) of the participants in their residential area, after the annual meeting. The receipts or other forms of proof for childcare systems are required for the reimbursement. The supported period is from Monday, March 14 to Saturday, March 19, 2022 (excluding the travel day on March 16, 2022.). Up to 50% of your total expenditure will be reimbursed with the maximum fee of 5,000 yen per day per child, with no limit to the number of children. However, in case the number of applicants exceeds our limit, then the subsidy amount may be reduced.
    • For more information, please visit the ESJ69 official website (/en/nursery-2/).

    Consideration of persons with disabilities

    • Ecological Society of Japan will take into consideration people with disabilities based on the “Act for Eliminating Discrimination Against Persons with Disabilities.” If you need any special support when attending the annual meeting, please contact us through the contact page on the official website (/en/contact-2/).

    Cancellation policy

    • Those who have registered the online  system (https://iap-jp.org/esj/conf/login_en.php) may cancel the registration at no charge by Monday, February 21, 2022 (excluding bank transfer fees and other expenses). No refunds will be given after that time.
    • Those who have registered using ONLINE CONF and paid by a credit card may cancel their registration at no charge by Sunday, March 13, 2022. Please contact taikai69@esj.ne.jp.

    For presenters

    Precautions about the presentation materials

    • All online lectures, oral or posters, are publicly transmitted under copyright laws, so permissions are required. Please be careful not to cause copyright infringements and avoid any defamation in the presentation contents, on the slides shared on-screen, or on the PDF poster you submit. When quoting published work, cite the source appripriately. If the content of the writing (presentation slide or PDF poster) infringes the copyright of a third party or causes damage to a third party, the presenter will take its responsibility.

    Oral presentations

    • Oral presentations and Q&A sessions will be made in real-time via Zoom Meetings. Each speaker will share the screen of the presentation slides from their own PCs. Therefore, there are no special requirements for the OS, file format, or maximum file size.
    • To ensure the smooth operation of the oral presentations, a rehearsal with professional support staff will be held in early March. Please follow the advice and other information given by the supporting staff. The details of the rehearsal will be announced on the ESJ69 official website.
    • Please note that we cannot provide refunds or support for issues due to your network environment, devices, or files.
    • The total presentation time is 15 minutes: 12 minutes for presentation and 3 minutes for Q&A. Please be punctual. There will be no bells to inform you of the elapsed time. Please manage your timing on your own.
    • Speakers who have finished their presentations are requested to chair the next presentation. The first chairperson will be handled by the organizing committee.
    • Q&A will be conducted via Zoom, but you can also use the comment function provided on each presentation page of the platform to ask questions. Please use the comment function on the page of each presentation at any time.
    • For detailed information, please visit the official website (/en/meeting-information/#APPLICATION_FOR_ORAL_AND_POSTER_SESSIONS).

    English Presentation Award

    • To facilitate communications in English and create more opportunities for discussions with international students and participants, the 8th English Presentation Award (EPA) will be held.
    • The English oral presentation sessions (Oral presentation [E]) will be conducted in the same way as the general oral presentation sessions although with several exceptions, so please also refer to the section “Oral presentations” (/en/meeting-information/#APPLICATION_FOR_ORAL_AND_POSTER_SESSIONS).
    • Rehearsals for English presentation speakers will also be held in early March. The details of the rehearsal will be announced on the ESJ69 official website.
    • The chairperson of the EPA will be chosen for each session by the EPA Organizing Committee members.
    • The list of EPA winners will be announced on the platform. The winners will also be announced at the ESJ69 Awards Ceremony on March 15.
    • A ceremony for the EPA winners will not be held. The award certificate will be sent to the winners by email. For details of the EPA, please refer to the ESJ69 official website.

    Poster presentations

    • The poster presentations will be made on the platform where participants can freely view the uploaded poster files. You can view it at any time during the open period of the platform.
    • Video (core time only) and comment functions are available on the platform. During the core time, you can use the video function to explain the poster and answer questions. In the comment function, you will receive an email notification when the audience gives comments. If you would like to have a video discussion out of the core time, please use your own Zoom meeting. You can also use the comment function to announce the URL of such external meeting rooms.
    • A core time (March 14, 12:30-14:30; March 15, 13:00-15:00) will be set for the poster presentations.
    • Please create the poster file in PDF format without audio or video embedding. PDF files of up to 20MB can be uploaded, but large files will take longer to display on the platform. For this reason, we recommend that you keep the PDF file size of your poster below 5MB.
    • There are no particular specifications for the visual appearance of the poster files, such as aspect ratio or the number of pages, but in consideration of visibility and readability on the platform, we recommend two formats: “A0 size portrait orientation with 1 page” or “A4 size portrait orientation with 4 pages.” Regardless of the upload method below, please do not set a security password for the PDF.
    • For more details on the poster file, please see: (/en/meeting-information/#APPLICATION_FOR_ORAL_AND_POSTER_SESSIONS).
    • You may upload your poster files to the platform from March 1, 2022 by yourself.
    • Poster presenters who applied for the poster awards should upload their poster files by 23:59 on March 13, 2022. This is because poster evaluation by referees will start on the morning of the presentation day.
    • Even if you have not applied for the poster award, please upload your presentation file by March 13, 2022, if possible. If you do not upload your file by the core time, your presentation may be treated as “not presented.”

    Poster Award

    • The Ecological Society of Japan awards excellent poster presentations to encourage students. The important criteria in the selection are the information transmission ability of the poster and the quality of the research. If multiple posters achieve the same score in the review, the poster that can be better understood in English will be ranked higher.
    • Please note that if the poster file has not been uploaded by 23:59 on March 13, it may not be subject to review. Also, please do not replace poster files during the ESJ69. Details on how to manage the Poster Award and the selection criteria can be found in the “Poster Award” section of the information on the ESJ69 official website (/en/meeting-information/#APPLICATION_FOR_ORAL_AND_POSTER_SESSIONS).
    • The list of the poster award winners will be posted and announced on the ESJ69 website as soon as confirmed. Winners will receive a certificate by email.
    • The “Best Poster Award” winning poster will be displayed on the front page of the platform.

    Poster presentations by high school students

    • Information about the poster presentations by high school students (core time: March 19: 13:00-14:00 (PH1–25) 14:00-15:00 (PH26–49)) will be sent from the Committee (Chair of the High School Poster Committee) to the teachers in charge in advance.

    Symposia, Workshops, and Forums

    • There will be no timekeepers for any of the sessions. Organizers and presenters are therefore requested to pay attention to time management and finish within the limited time. Extensions of time are not allowed.
    • The Symposia and Workshops will be held in real-time via Zoom Meetings.
    • To ensure smooth operation and real-time streaming of the meeting, a professional operator will provide Zoom operation support for online meetings.
    • Please note that a meeting assistant will be assigned for symposia and workshops, but not for forums.
    • As with the general oral presentations, a rehearsal will be held in early March for all sessions in early March. The details of the rehearsal will be announced on the ESJ69 official website.
    • Q&A can also be sent in text using the comment function provided on each meeting page of the platform. Please use the comment function in case you cannot ask questions or answer all the questions during the presentation time.

    Consideration for color vision diversity and comfortable online resources

    About 0.2–0.5% of females and 5–10% of males have visual characteristics that make it difficult to distinguish differences in colors such as red and green (color blindness). In online presentations, it is often difficult for speakers to point out sentences or figures using a pointer, and they often use only verbal explanations relying on colors (e.g., “The red points in the figure show a larger change than the green ones”). Such presentations are difficult for colorblind people to understand. Therefore, careful considerations for color barrier-free presentations are requested in online presentations. To put it simply, it is better to use orange and blue than red and green, and to use a layout that does not rely excessively on color.

    Watching a screen for a long time can be a great burden for the audience. To reduce the burden on the eyes, the contrast between the background and text color should be reduced. If the background is white, it is effective to use slightly lighter black (gray) text. You can also use a pale color background to reduce the contrast between the black text and the background color. Reducing the contrast between the text and the background is also a barrier-free method for people with visual sensitivity.