【B】バイリンガル発表:発表媒体が英語もしくは日英併記予定の発表 /
Bilingual presentation: Presentation slides or poster will be prepared in English or Japanese with English subtitles
Cost-effective and accurate microsatellite genotyping by high-multiplex amplicon sequencing: Application to alpine plants
大型ビオトープに自生する植物の種子発芽特性と光・気温への実生の生長反応 【B】
Flora of some large biotopes and seed germination traits and plant growth responses of seedling to light and temperature conditions 【B】
Changes in culm age structure of five years in flowering sites of Sasa senanensis
Species composition and structure of satoyama forest where Cerasus yamazakura and C. leveilleana grow: A case of Sakuragawa city, Ibaraki prefecture
雑草の大発生をどう抑える?ムギ畑長期データを用いた予測モデルと管理効果の評価 【B】
How do we control weeds? Estimation of predictive models using long-term monitoring data at wheat fields and evaluation of management effects 【B】
Scientific philosophy for ecology based on data and statistics: example about spatial tree distribution
樹高ー幹直径関係に及ぼす個体間の成長変異の影響 【B】
Effect of growth rate variation on the tree height vs. stem diameter allometry 【B】