| 要旨トップ | 本企画の概要 | | 日本生態学会第68回全国大会 (2021年3月、岡山) 講演要旨 ESJ68 Abstract |
自由集会 W07-2 (Workshop)
This year is my fifth year studying in Japan as well as the last year of my PhD study at Hokkaido University. For me, living in my favorite Hokkaido, everything just has been wonderful, till the pandemic has come. I am stuck in endless homesickness, being scared of COVID-19, and struggling with graduation/next movement. Yes, probably same as you, (I am glad that) there is a lot of hard work to keep me busy: manuscript & thesis writing, job hunting & fellowship application, and fieldwork & bench work.
It is so much fun to experience different cultures and explore fantastic research when we are young. I appreciate everyone I met and much support from you (and the great foods I had!) in Japan. I will share my experiences as a foreign student to study and live in Japan. I hope it can help some of you with hosting/collaborating with a foreign student/researcher in the near future. Moreover, don’t you want to know about my latest studies of lovely aphids? Come to the talk!