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日本生態学会第69回全国大会 (2022年3月、福岡) 一般講演 口頭発表 一覧

A04 進化 / Evolution (3月15日 15:30-17:30 Room A, オンライン)

【B】バイリンガル発表:発表媒体が英語もしくは日英併記予定の発表 /
Bilingual presentation: Presentation slides or poster will be prepared in English or Japanese with English subtitles

Presentation applied to the English Presentation Award

感潮域におけるチリメンカワニナの概潮汐リズムは適応進化によるものか?【EPA】 *横溝匠(千葉大・院・融), 高橋佑磨(千葉大・院・理)
Is the circatidal rhythm in the freshwater snail resulted from the adaptive evolution?【EPA】 *Takumi YOKOMIZO(Grad. Sci. Eng., Chiba Univ.), Yuma TAKAHASHI(Grad. Sci., Chiba Univ.)

Alpha-amanitin tolerance of adult flies within Drosophilidae【EPA】 *Yang ZHANG, Hide-aki WATABE, Toru KATOH(Hokkaido University)

Genome evolution in termites【EPA】【発表取消/Cancelled】 *Tracy Lynn AUDISIO(OIST)

Gene flow and chromosome evolution in sticklebacks【EPA】 *Yo YAMASAKI(National Institute of Genetics), Atsushi TOYODA(National Institute of Genetics), Tomoyuki KOKITA(Kyushu University), Seiichi MORI(Gifu Kyoritsu University), Jun KITANO(National Institute of Genetics)

Convergent evolution of complex mandibular strikes in termites *Ales BUCEK(Okinawa Inst. Sci. and Tech.)

Evolution of the stinging apparatus in ants *Alexandre CASADEI FERREIRA(OIST), Gabriela CAMACHO(Museum für Naturkunde Berlin), Weslly FRANCO(UFPR), John LATTKE(UFPR), Rodrigo FEITOSA(UFPR), Evan ECONOMO(OIST)

Unraveling taxonomy and evolutionary dynamics of a remarkable ant radiation in Madagascar based on next-generation-sequencing and 3D cybertaxonomy *Francisco HITA GARCIA, Evan P. ECONOMO(OIST)
