| 要旨トップ | ESJ71 シンポジウム 一覧 | 日本生態学会第71回全国大会 (2024年3月、横浜) 講演要旨
ESJ71 Abstract

シンポジウム S01  3月19日 9:00-12:00 Room A

Ecology of host-symbiont interactions【E】【O】

辻かおる(神戸大学), 深見理(スタンフォード大学)
Kaoru TSUJI(Kobe Univ.), Tadashi FUKAMI(Stanford Univ.)

Rapid technological advances in microbial ecology are allowing us to challenge conventional assumptions regarding symbiotic microorganisms and their ecological and evolutionary relationships with the host. For example, in many cases, a one-to-one relationship between a host and a single symbiont has been assumed, but new evidence suggests that a suite of multiple species or strains of symbionts interact with the host in ways that cannot be understood under the simple one-to-one assumption. Similarly, symbiont research has tended to focus only on one or a few parts of the host body for the sake of simplicity and tractability, but new data suggest that host organs long assumed to be insignificant for symbiotic interactions often contain symbiotic populations that are important to the host, with dynamic exchanges of these microbes occurring across habitats. In this symposium, researchers working on flies, bees, beetles, butterflies, fishes, amphibians, and humans will present and discuss latest findings on these new questions on host-symbiont interactions toward a synthesis across a broad range of host taxa.

乳児腸内細菌叢におけるヒトミルクオリゴ糖と先住効果の役割 *Miriam N. OJIMA(Kyoto Univ.)
The role of priority effects and human milk oligosaccharides in infant-type bifidobacterial communities *Miriam N. OJIMA(Kyoto Univ.)

両生類の微生物における先住効果 *Korin Rex JONES(Univ. of Texas at Austin)
Priority effects in the amphibian microbiome *Korin Rex JONES(Univ. of Texas at Austin)

特異性の高い発光共生にみられる共生細菌の動態 *Alison L. GOULD(California Academy of Sciences)
Symbiont strain dynamics in an otherwise highly specific bioluminescent symbiosis *Alison L. GOULD(California Academy of Sciences)

カミキリムシと酵母の関係にみられる多様性 *Wataru TOKI, Mako KISHIGAMI, Saki MONJI(Nagoya Univ.)
Diversity of longicorn beetle-yeast associations *Wataru TOKI, Mako KISHIGAMI, Saki MONJI(Nagoya Univ.)

ミツバチの蜜胃内の細菌叢は口の細菌叢とは別物 *Magdalena L. WARREN(Stanford Univ.)
Bugs in bugs: Bacteria in the honeybee crop are decoupled from those in the mouth *Magdalena L. WARREN(Stanford Univ.)

チョウの卵に付着する細菌の実験的除去が幼虫に与える長期的な影響 *Suad YOON(OIST)
Experimental removal of extracellular egg‐associated microbes has long‐lasting effects for larval performance *Suad YOON(OIST)

野生のショウジョウバエ幼虫の成長を支える酵母種および微生物間相互作用 *Yukako HATTORI(Kyoto Univ.)
Identification of key yeast species and microbe-microbe interactions impacting larval growth of Drosophila in the wild *Yukako HATTORI(Kyoto Univ.)
