| 要旨トップ | ESJ71 シンポジウム 一覧 | 日本生態学会第71回全国大会 (2024年3月、横浜) 講演要旨
ESJ71 Abstract

シンポジウム S02  3月19日 9:00-12:00 Room B

Landscape perspectives on freshwater ecology and conservation; Ecology and Geosciences【B】【E】【O】

宇野裕美(北海道大学), 石山信雄(北海道立総合研究機構), 中川光(土木研究所自然共生研究センター)
Hiromi UNO(Hokkaido University), Nobuo ISHIYAMA(Hokkaido Research Organization), Hikaru NAKAGAWA(Aqua Restoration Research Center, Public Works Research Institute)


It is increasingly recognized that stream ecosystem is heavily influenced by the characters of the land such as climate, geology and geomorphology. Integrative understanding of the geoscience and ecology is essential for understanding and management of stream ecosystem. In this symposium, we will introduce cutting edge research that tie ecology and geoscience as well as the river management practices that incorporate such research outcome.

Commentators; Akira Terui (University of North Carolina, Greensboro, USA)
              Ellen Wohl (Colorado State University, USA)

Ecological stability from geomorphological dynamics: evidence from biodiversity and foodweb complexity in river networks and floodplain mosaics *Colden BAXTER(Idaho State University)

流域地質と気候の相互作用が形成する山地河川のthermal refugia *Nobuo ISHIYAMA(Hokkaido Research Organization)
Underlying geology and climate interactively shape thermal refugia in mountain streams *Nobuo ISHIYAMA(Hokkaido Research Organization)

シカによる森林植生の衰退が河川生態系に与える間接影響 *Hikaru NAKAGAWA(Aqua Restoration Research Ctr)
Indirect effects of deer overgrazing on stream ecosystems: multi-scale perspective *Hikaru NAKAGAWA(Aqua Restoration Research Ctr)

渓畔林樹木が形成する氾濫原地形が多様な水生生物を支える *Hiromi UNO(Hokkaido/Colorado State Univ.)
Floodplain geomorphology shaped by riparian trees support diverse aquatic biota *Hiromi UNO(Hokkaido/Colorado State Univ.)

Landscape heterogeneity stabilizes large river food webs: exploring connections between geomorphology and species interactions *Eric SCHOLL(USGS, Southwest)

河川環境における湧水生息地の生態系機能 *Masaru SAKAI(Nat Ins Environment Studies)
Ecosystem functions of spring-fed habitats in heterogeneous river environments *Masaru SAKAI(Nat Ins Environment Studies)

日本における過去25年間の河川魚類群集の時間的変化 *森照貴(土木研自然共生センタ)
Temporal changes in riverine fish assemblages over the past 25 years in Japan *Terutaka MORI(Aqua Restoration Research Ctr)

Comments: Ecology and Geosciences *Ellen WOHL(Colorado State Univ)
