| 要旨トップ | 本企画の概要 | 日本生態学会第71回全国大会 (2024年3月、横浜) 講演要旨
ESJ71 Abstract

シンポジウム S09-1  (Presentation in Symposium)

Exploring and bridging the boundary between geology and ecology in deep-sea ecosystems: Toward the discovery of new perspectives【E】【O】


The advancement of deep-sea ecosystem research, considered an unexplored frontier, is intricately tied to the evolution of deep-sea exploration technologies. Starting with the late 19th-century research conducted by the British vessel Challenger and the subsequent development of the 'Bathyscaphe' diving apparatus in the mid-20th century, which elevated the level of ecological observation for deep-sea organisms, the late 20th and early 21st centuries witnessed an increase in research utilizing unmanned submersibles, leading to the accumulation of knowledge on deep-sea biodiversity. Particularly, geological approaches have offered unique perspectives on submarine volcanoes and hydrothermal vents. Coupled with the advancement of ecological analysis techniques, this has facilitated the swift growth of deep-sea ecology. In essence, the interaction between different academic fields, namely geology and ecology, has contributed to the development of unique knowledge and perspectives in deep-sea research.
   This symposium will showcase the latest deep-sea research by emerging researchers in the field of deep-sea ecosystems. Despite the unique nature of deep-sea ecosystems, characterized by chemosynthetic processes, researches on deep-sea ecosystems share common interests and challenges with terrestrial and various other ecosystems, such as the accumulation of data, the development of monitoring and analytical techniques, theoretical frameworks, and the motivation for conservation. We hope this symposium will expedite the integration of geology and ecology, providing an opportunity for new research perspectives.
