| 要旨トップ | 本企画の概要 | 日本生態学会第71回全国大会 (2024年3月、横浜) 講演要旨
ESJ71 Abstract

シンポジウム S17-6  (Presentation in Symposium)

New index of functional specificity to predict the redundancy of ecosystem functions in microbial communities【E】【O】

*Wan-Hsuan CHENG(Natl. Taiwan Univ., Ryokoku Univ.), Chih-hao HSIEH(Natl. Taiwan Univ., Academia Sinica), Chun-Wei CHANG(Natl. Taiwan Univ.), Fuh-Kwo SHIAH(Academia Sinica), Takeshi MIKI(Ryokoku Univ.)

One central question in ecological research pertains to predicting how ecosystem functioning responds to biodiversity loss. Previous studies have suggested that an ecosystem function could be more sensitive to biodiversity loss (i.e. low functional redundancy) when focusing on specific-type functions than broad-type functions. Thus far, specific-type functions have been loosely defined as functions performed by a small number of species (facilitative species) or functions involved in utilizing complex substrates. However, quantitative examination of functional specificity remains underexplored. Here, we quantified the functional redundancy of 33 ecosystem functions in a freshwater system from 76 prokaryotic community samples over 3 years. For each function, we used a sparse regression model to estimate the number of facilitative Amplicon Sequence Variants (ASVs) and to define taxon-based functional specificity. We also used Bertz structural complexity to determine substrate-based functional specificity. We found that functional redundancy increased with the taxon-based functional specificity, defined as the proportion of facilitative ASVs (= facilitative ASV richness/facilitative ASV richness + repressive ASV (ASVs reducing functioning) richness). When using substrate-based functional specificity, functional redundancy was influenced by Bertz complexity per se and by substrate acquisition mechanisms. Therefore, taxon-based functional specificity is a better predictive index for evaluating functional redundancy than substrate-based functional specificity. These findings contribute a quantitative lens to anticipate the effects of diminishing biodiversity on ecosystem functioning, offering crucial insights that can shape the direction of future ecological studies and conservation strategies.
