| 要旨トップ | ESJ54 一般講演一覧 | 日本生態学会全国大会 ESJ54 講演要旨

一般講演 E1-03

Impacts of snake predation on thermal biology of prey lizard

Masami Hasegawa (Toho univ)

Effects of snake predation upon thermoreguratory strategy of Eumeces okadae were examined on the islands with and without snake predator. Elaphe quadrivirgata, a terrestrial diurnal snake preying primarily upon the lizard E.okadae either by stalk-strike for the active lizards or by digging out-subdue for the resting lizards in the burrows. The lizards with body temperatures at the range of 32-39 C can run (>2.0m/sec) faster than the maximal crawling speed of the snakes (1.7m/sec), and the lizards were preyed upon by the snake at times when low ambient temperatures or adverse weather conditions prevented the lizards from maintaining body temperatures sustainable for maximum evasion speed. E.okadae on the islands suffering from predation by the snake E.quadrivirgata maintained their Tb significantly higher (X = 36.2 C, range 32.4-38.9 C) than that on the island without snakes (X = 31.8 C, range 27.2 - 36.4 C), indicating that snake predation has significant impact on lizard's thermoregulatory strategy.
