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Recruitment of candidates for the 23rd (2025) Ecological Society of Japan Prize

The Ecological Society of Japan Prize (ESJ Prize) is the most prestigious award given by the Ecological Society of Japan and is awarded to ESJ members who have made outstanding contributions to ecology and have a strong record of research achievements. Awardees are selected from the set of nominees submitted by ESJ members. Recipients will be notified of the award at the annual meeting.
We would like to ask our members to nominate candidates for the award by August 16, 2024. We request that nominations be made keeping in mind the aim of this award.

June 1, 2024
Kaoru Kitajima
President of the Ecological Society of Japan


  1. Eligible nominees: ESJ members
  2. Nomination form: [Download Form]Word
  3. Send to:
    (Postal mail) 1-8 Nishihanaikecho, Koyama, Kita-ku, Kyoto 603-8148, Japan
        Chair for the Ecological Society of Japan Award Selection Committee,
        c/o the Ecological Society of Japan Secretariat
    * Documents should be e-mailed as PDF files, except for books.
  4. Deadline: Friday, August 16, 2024

Reference: Bylaws of the Ecological Society of Japan Prize
     Past recipients of the Ecological Society of Japan Prize